Seats - from August 1972
Reclining type, with headrest
Required: 1
Reclining type, with headrest
Required: 1
seat cover to seat frame - flat type: 7/16 x 1/2"
Required: 8
Fits to rear of outer seat runners
Required: 2
black with black piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
black with blue piping
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Required: 1
black with green piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Required: 1
black with red piping
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Required: 1
in black with white piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Required: 1
autumn leaf with autumn leaf piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
red with red piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
in red with black piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
red with white piping
These covers are leather on the seat facings only, the backs and sides are leathercloth
Required: 1
navy with navy piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
biscuit with biscuit piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
beige with beige piping - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
black with black piping, not perforated - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
biscuit with biscuit piping - not perforated
Required: 1
in autumn leaf with autumn leaf piping and perforated centres - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
in ochre with ochre piping and perforated centre - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
in black with black piping, full perforated - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
autumn leaf with autumn leaf piping - full perforated
Required: 1
navy with navy piping - full perforated
Required: 1
in ochre with ochre piping and full perforated - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
in beige with beige piping, not perforated - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
in navy - 4 piece kit for both front seats
Required: 1
Required: 1
Required: 1
Required: 1
ochre - 'D' section
Required: 2
black vinyl - 'D' section. Supplied in pairs
Required: 1
autumn leaf, perforated - 'oval' section
Required: 2
ochre, perforated - 'oval' section
Required: 2
'Classic line' complete with vinyl covered head rests, colour: black - supplied in pairs
Required: 1
rear seat - in black with black piping
Required: 1
rear seat - autumn leaf with autumn leaf piping
Required: 1
rear seat - in red with red piping
Required: 1
rear seat - in navy with navy piping
Required: 1
rear seat - in biscuit with biscuit piping
Required: 1
rear seat, in black with black piping - variant without persorated centres
Required: 1
rear seat, in black with black piping - variant with perforated centres
Required: 1
rear seat - in autumn leaf with autumn leaf piping and perforatd centre
Required: 1
rear seat - in red with red piping and perforatd centre
Required: 1
rear seat - in navy with navy piping and perforatd centre
Required: 1
rear seat - in ochre with ochre piping and perforatd centre
Required: 1
rear seat - ochre
Required: 1
rear seat - orange/brown
Required: 1
rear seat - silver/grey
Required: 1
rear seat
Required: 2