reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43) - "powr-lok" type
3.8 (1961-64): OTS from 850001 to 850943 (RHD) and from 875001 to 881887 (LHD), FHC from 860001 to 861799 (RHD) and from 885001 to 890873 (LHD)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.54:1 (13:46) - "powr-lok" type
3.8 (1961-64): OTS from 850001 to 850943 (RHD) and from 875001 to 881887 (LHD), FHC from 860001 to 861799 (RHD) and from 885001 to 890873 (LHD)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 2.93:1 (13:46) - "powr-lok" type
3.8 (1961-64): OTS from 850001 to 850943 (RHD) and from 875001 to 881887 (LHD), FHC from 860001 to 861799 (RHD) and from 885001 to 890873 (LHD)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.31:1 (13:43) - "powr-lok" type
3.8 (1961-64): OTS from 850001 to 850943 (RHD) and from 875001 to 881887 (LHD), FHC from 860001 to 861799 (RHD) and from 885001 to 890873 (LHD)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 1 except USA and Canada OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1177 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E10783 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E20396 (RHD) and from E30001 to 1E30861 (LHD) (1964-65)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.54:1 (13:46) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 1 USA und Canada OTS from 1E10001 to 1E10739 (LHD), FHC from E30001 to 1E30806 (LHD) (1964-65)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.31:1 (13:43) - "powr-lok" type
Series 1 OTS from 1E1001 to 1E1177 (RHD) and from 1E10001 to 1E10783 (LHD), FHC from 1E20001 to 1E20396 (RHD) and from E30001 to 1E30861 (LHD) (1964-65)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 1 except USA and Canada OTS from 1E1178 (RHD) and from 1E10784 (LHD), FHC from 1E20397 (RHD) and from 1E30862 (LHD) also series 2 except USA, Canada, Switzerland and Austria (1965-70)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.54:1 (13:46) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 1 USA and Canada OTS from 1E10740 (LHD), FHC from 1E30807 (LHD) to the introduction of Series 2 (1965-68)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.31:1 (13:43) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 1 OTS from 1E1178 (RHD) and from 1E10784 (LHD), FHC from 1E20397 (RHD) and from 1E30862 (LHD) to the introduction of Series 2 (1965-68)
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43 teeth) - non "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R1001 (RHD) and 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R20001 (RHD) and 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R35001 (RHD) and 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Except vehicles for USA, Canada, Switzerland and Austria
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43 teeth) - non "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R1001 (RHD) and 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R20001 (RHD) and 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R35001 (RHD) and 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Except vehicles for USA, Canada, Switzerland and Austria
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 2.88:1 (17:49 teeth) - non "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 2+2 automatic transmission from 1R35001 (RHD) and 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Except vehicles for USA, Canada, Switzerland and Austria
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43 teeth) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Austria and Switzerland only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 2.88:1 (17:49 teeth) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 2+2 Automatic models from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Austria and Switzerland only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 3.54:1 (13:46 teeth) - without "powr-lok"
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - USA and Canada only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 2.88:1 (17:49 teeth) - without "powr-lok"
4.2 Series 2 2+2 Automatic models from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - USA and Canada only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 3rd type, ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43 teeth) - non "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R1001 (RHD) and 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R20001 (RHD) and 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R35001 (RHD) and 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Except vehicles for USA, Canada, Switzerland and Austria
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 3rd type, ratio: 2.88:1 (17:49 teeth) - non "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 2+2 automatic transmission from 1R35001 (RHD) and 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Except vehicles for USA, Canada, Switzerland and Austria
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 2nd type, ratio: 3.33:1 ((12:40) teeth) - without "powr-lok"
4.2 Series 2 2+2 Automatic models from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - USA and Canada special order only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 3rd type, ratio: 3.07:1 (14:43 teeth) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Austria and Switzerland only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 3rd type, ratio: 2.88:1 (17:49 teeth) - "powr-lok" type
4.2 Series 2 2+2 Automatic models from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - Austria and Switzerland only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 3rd type, ratio: 3.54:1 (13:46 teeth) - with "powr-lok"
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - USA and Canada only
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange - 3rd type, ratio: 3.31:1 (13:43) - with "powr-lok"
4.2 Series 2 OTS from 1R7001 (LHD), FHC from 1R25001 (LHD), 2+2 from 1R40001 (LHD) (1968-70) - USA and Canada only
Required: 1
3.31:1 ratio (teeth: 13/43) - vaiant for type 1 differential
3.8 and 4.2 Series 1 and 4.2 Series 1.5 (to August 1968)
Required: 1
3.54:1 (13/46 teeth) - vaiant for type 1 differential
3.8 and 4.2 Series 1 and 4.2 Series 1.5 (to August 1968)
Required: 1
2.88:1 ratio (teeth: 17/49) - vaiant for type 2 differential
4.2 Series 2 (from August 1968 onwards)
Required: 1
3.07:1 ratio (teeth: 43/14) - variant for type 2 differential
4.2 Series 2 (from August 1968 onwards)
Required: 1
3.31:1 ratio (teeth: 13/43) - vaiant for type 2 differential
4.2 Series 2 (from August 1968 onwards)
Required: 1
differential pinion, inner
Series 1 and 2 models with 1st and 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-69)
Required: 1
differential pinion, inner
Series 1 and 2 models with 1st and 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-69)
Required: 1
differential pinion, inner
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
differential pinion - collapsible
Vehicles with 2nd and 3rd GKN differential type - Characteristic: The letter 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number, the letter 'S' is not. (1968-1970)
Required: 1
outer, 0.030"
Vehicles with 1st GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-1968)
Required: 1
differential pinion, outer - please note: this bearing is needed thor the crown wheel and pingion 208206 and 208207 to suit an outside diameter 2.6875" (68.263 mm)
Required: 1
differential pinion outer
Vehicles with 1st GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-1968)
Required: 1
differential pinion outer
Vehicles with 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1968-1969)
Required: 1
differential pinion, outer
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
propshaft to differential - please note: this flange is needed thor the crown wheel and pingion 208206 and 208207 to suit an outside diameter 2.6875" (68.263 mm)
Required: 1
propshaft to differential. Identify by: 39mm
3.8 and 4.2 to OTS 1E1177 (RHD) and to 1E10783 (LHD), FHC to 1E20396 (RHD) and to 1E30861 (LHD) (1961-1965)
Required: 1
propshaft to differential - variant for oil seal with 46 mm inner diameter
4.2 from OTS 1E1178 (RHD) and from 1E10784 (LHD), FHC from 1E20397 (RHD) and from 1E30862 (LHD) (1965-1970)
requires oil seal 201811
Required: 1
differential pinion - rubber type with 39 mm inner diameter
3.8 and early 4.2 Series 1 (1961-65): OTS to 1E1177 and 1E10783, FHC to 1E20396 and 1E30861 • S-Type (1963-68)
Required: 1
differential pinion - leather type with 39 mm inner diameter
3.8 and early 4.2 Series 1 (1961-65): OTS to 1E1177 and 1E10783, FHC to 1E20396 and 1E30861
Required: 1
differential pinion - rubber type with 46 mm inner diameter
4.2 later Series 1 and all Series 2 models (1965-70) - OTS from 1E1178 and 1E10784, FHC from 1E20397 and 1E30862, 2+2 from 1E50001 and 1E75001
Required: 1
reconditioned, in exchange. Suitable for 3.07:1, 3.31:1 and 3.54:1 ratios
For standard, non limited slip differentials
Required: 1
Non "powr-lok" differential
Required: 2
planet gear
Non "powr-lok" differential
Required: 1
Non "powr-lok" differential
Required: 2
suitable for 3,07:1, 3.31:1 and 3.54:1 ratios - reconditioned, in exchange
"powr-lok" differential
Required: 1
use with ribbed differentials
limited slip differential
Required: 10
differential - 16 teeth
limited slip differential
Required: 2
differential - 10 teeth
"powr-lok" differential
Required: 4
Series 1 and 2 models with 1st and 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-69)
Required: 1
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
securing differential bearing caps
Required: 4
Required: 4
differential carrier (inner bearing)
Required: 1
differential carrier (inner bearing)
Required: 2
GKN differential
3.8 and 4.2 Series 1 to OTS 1E1177 (RHD) and to 1E10783 (LHD) also FHC to 1E20396 (RHD) and to 1E30861 (LHD) (1961-65)
Required: 2
GKN differential
4.2 Series 1 (1965-67) - OTS from 1E1178 and 1E10784, FHC from 1E20397 and 1E30862, 2+2 from 1E50001 and 1E75001 plus all Series 1.5 and Series 2 models with type 1 and 2 differential (1967-69)
Required: 2
differential, RH - new item
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
differential, RH - reconditioned, in exchange
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
differential, LH - new item
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
differential, LH - reconditioned, in exchange
Fahrzeuge mit 3. GKN Differentialtyp - Merkmal: Der Buchstabe "S" ist nicht an die Seriennummer angefügt - E-Type 4.2 Serie 2 (1969-70)
Required: 1
drive shaft
3.8 and 4.2 Series 1 (1961-65) - OTS to 1E1177 and 1E10783, FHC to 1E20396 and 1E30861
Required: 4
half shaft
4.2 Series 1 (1965-67) - OTS from 1E1178 and 1E10784, FHC from 1E20397 and 1E30862, 2+2 from 1E50001 and 1E75001 plus all Series 1.5 and Series 2 models with type 1 and 2 differential (1967-69)
Required: 4
for drive shaft
Vehicles with 3rd GKN differential type - identified by no letter 'S' adjacent to the unit serial number - E-Type 4.2 Series 2 (1969-70)
Required: 2
0.005", adjusting bearing
3.8 and 4.2 Series 1 to OTS 1E1177 (RHD) and to 1E10783 (LHD) also FHC to 1E20396 (RHD) and to 1E30861 (LHD) (1961-65)
0.010", adjusting bearing
4.2 Series 1 from OTS 1E1178 (RHD) and from 1E10784 (LHD) also FHC from 1E20397 (RHD) and from 1E30862 (LHD), Series 2 with Type 1 and 2 differential (1965-70)
0.003", adjusting bearing
4.2 Series 1 from OTS 1E1178 (RHD) and from 1E10784 (LHD) also FHC from 1E20397 (RHD) and from 1E30862 (LHD), Series 2 with Type 1 and 2 differential (1965-70)
for drive shaft bearing 208094. Identify by 68.26 mm inner diameter
3.8 and 4.2 Series 1 to OTS 1E1177 (RHD) and to 1E10783 (LHD) also FHC to 1E20396 (RHD) and to 1E30861 (LHD) (1961-65)
Required: 2
for drive shaft bearing 202893 - cleaned new old stock item. Identify by 65.00 mm inner diameter
4.2 Series 1 from OTS 1E1178 (RHD) and from 1E10784 (LHD) also FHC from 1E20397 (RHD) and from 1E30862 (LHD), Series 2 with Type 1 and 2 differential (1965-70)
Required: 2
on bearing housing
Series 1 and 2 models with 1st and 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-69)
Required: 2
differential adjustment - thickness: 0.005"
Series 1 and 2 models with 1st and 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-69)
differential adjustment - thickness: 0.010"
Series 1 and 2 models with 1st and 2nd GKN differential type - identified by suffix 'C' adjacent to the unit serial number (1961-69)